Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (CMN 230)
This undergraduate course considers how people construct, coordinate, and interpret everyday conversations. It presents theory and research on how communication works within dyads, including family, friendship, romantic, and professional relationships.
Communication and Conflict (CMN 231)
This undergraduate course examines how people experience and manage conflict in both public and private arenas. It focuses on the intersection of conflict and communication within interpersonal, small group, and organizational contexts.
Communication in Personal Relationships (CMN 437)
This bridge-level course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. It examines theories of communication in personal relationships that address how individuals communicate with friends, family members, and romantic partners. Specific topics include self-disclosure, commitment, power, privacy, and relational uncertainty.
Communication and Relationship Development (CMN 529)
This graduate seminar investigates how interpersonal relationships unfold over time. It considers (a) meta-theoretical perspectives that guide the literature, (b) programs of research on transitions within relationships, and (c) methodological issues that underlie the study of communication and relationship progression.
Measurement in Communication Research (CMN 529)
An advanced graduate seminar, this course examines how to operationalize communication constructs. It examines psychometric issues associated with self-report measures, physiological instruments, content analytic schemes, and coding rubrics. Specific topics include reliability, validity, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and unitizing.
Communication and Uncertainty in Relationships (CMN 529)
This advanced graduate seminar investigates how people communicate when they are experiencing uncertainty within a close relationship. The course is divided into three units: (a) the nature of uncertainty, (b) theories of uncertainty in relationships, and (c) uncertainty and communication.
Conflict Management in Health Communication (CMN 595)
CMN 595 is an graduate course taught as part of the Health Communication Online Master of Science (HCOM) Program offered by the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois. It focuses on the principles underlying conflict within interpersonal, group, and organizational health communication contexts. Issues include goals in conflict, conflict styles, bargaining and negotiation, group decision-making, organizational leadership, and third-party intervention.